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Hyundai Motor America along with authorized dealer L.A. Hyundai at LAX is being sued for racial discrimination by a Hyundai Accent owner. Filed March 29 2013 in Central District Court case CV13 2264 FMO (MRWx). Causes of action include gross negligence, fraud, consumer fraud, specific performance, violation title VI, constructive fraud, conspiracy, violation California Business and Professions Code, breach of warrranty, unjust enrichment, civil rights act of 1964. ![]() says New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's Judge Walter Koprowski Jr. Appointee [ Editor: Bracketed items; highlighted headings and website links do not appear in the original emails. . Judge Theodore Stephens II is the Surrogate of Essex County, New Jersey who has refused to provide a copy of the case history. What is the court hiding? Kevin Johnson, Alisa Stewart, and Letitia Johnson-Tyler are named in court papers as children of the late Robert Johnson. Respondents received these as emails, faxes, or US mail. Vanessa D. Johnson Taylor works for The Taylor Group Inc of Manalapan New Jersey, and is allegedly an insurance broker with government contracts; she is also a real estate agent for Century 21. She was appointed guardian by Republican Governor Chris Christie’s Judge Walter Koprowski Jr ]
[Redacted address and phone]
To: Unicare PO Box 2090 Dearborn Michigan 48123
WellPoint, Inc.
Licensing Bureau, Real Estate
ACJC, P.O. Box 037, Trenton, NJ, 08625-0037
Probate Judge Walter Koprowski via fax and mail
Century 21 Real Estate LLC
"NJ Judge Koprowski Appointee says "Kiss my Ass!" after complaints of elder abuse against her. State of the Republicans.
" Judge Koprowski's Vanessa D. Johnson Taylor's bitterness and evilness are surely warning signs of a possible breakdown that could cause her to harm innocent people. " Come to think of it, as guardian, she already has harmed innocent people.
All rights and remedies are reserved. This is my response to your unintelligent and ignorant emails of September 5 and September 10 below. I am forwarding this to Wellpoint, Unicare, and as well as the NJ Insurance Real Estate Banking Commission in hopes they will revoke the license of the Taylor Group for fraud and unfair and deceptive business practices.
The relationship you still have with me Vanessa Taylor is that you must file with the court a Complaint to Settle the Account, awarding fees and discharging the guardian. You also have a duty to me of loyalty and "full disclosure."
The right to grievances is the right to make a complaint to, or seek the assistance of, one's government, without fear of punishment or reprisals. ...The right to petition includes under its umbrella the right to sue the government,[9] and the right of individuals, groups and possibly corporations[10] to lobby the government. ...the rights to speak, associate, and petition...Freedom of association is the individual right to come together with other individuals and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests.[1] The right to freedom of association has been included in a number of national constitutions and human rights instruments, including the United States Bill of Rights, European Convention on Human Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
"You should admit to your family members that Dad wanted proceeds of the house to benefit his children while he was alive and that you fought against Dad's wishes."
You objected to Dad's wish to have money go to his children before he died. You engaged in lying, cheating, and stealing and elder abuse of Dad. You admitted to fraud on the estate. You were charged with fraud an additional 42 times in court papers circa January 2012. You fraudulently told the court a market analysis was an appraisal.
There is over $5,000 missing from Dad's estate. You refuse to provide authenticated copies of Dad's bills for purposes of criminal fraud.
You conspired to refuse to file and serve the physician's report two years in a row; such report that would have undoubtedly led to Dad's removal from the nursing home and prevented his death.
You failed to provide the annual report for the year 2011.
You delayed the reporting of Dad's death to the insurance company.
You refused to share with next of kin Dad's alleged treatment plan. To do so would no doubt have helped save Dad's life.
What treatment did Dad receive for Azheimer's being that was the reason for the Medicaid payments and Medicaid fraud?
Wasn't Dad a useless eater in your eyes?
Your husband skims the bank accounts of your client's monies.
Your business license was suspended for failure to pay your taxes but you did not tell the public.
A consumer fraud complaint is lodged against you for $600,000.
My Dad wanted to live. He instinctively knew you were killing him at the nursing home. That is why he desperately sought my help to get him out of there. Forty five days before you killed him he said to me "I am coming out there [California] to see you."
You concealed Dad's life insurance policy over a three year period.
You have no respect for Dad or his children or yourself. Grandma Brown said you were an ignorant child.
In the December 2011 and January 2012 hearings you, your attorney, James Boutillier, and the court fraudulently concealed Dad's true medical condition.
Any and all questions over the past four years that you have not answered still stand.
You killed my father; is that some part of that sentence you do not understand?
I do not trust yourself or Kevin; if you want to know why, you ask your Mother.
If you have comment on this, you may wish to give a statement to Lawless America.com for the film to Congress.
Your email appears to be from your initials VDJT but says the name "Quentin"; I am not sure if that is your son's name or you are posing as a man.
You state: "I am really tired of being slandered by your brother." My response: please provide one written example of where you feel you have been slandered.
You state: "His shenanigans kept our fathers house from being sold." My response: I made three written offers to you to purchase the house and I appeared at court hearings repeating my offers. You have not responded to any. I did protest and continue to protest any sale that is marked by fraud. You seem to have the memory of a psychotic; you signed the contract of sale that the court and attorney James Boutillier said could not be performed because the conditions were not spelled out; you attempted to sell the property to an attorney who you stated did not even have enough money for the down payment. In light of this, please provide one written example of why you feel I kept the house from being sold. What efforts have you made in the last 60 days to sell the property? You should admit to your family members that Dad wanted proceeds of the house to benefit his children while he was alive and that you fought against Dad's wishes.
You state: ":Medicaid has placed a lien on his house for $98,000. The IRS has a lien, the nursing home has a lien, the lawyers have a lien and the City of Newark owns the tax lien. They will probably take over ownership of the house due to non-payment of taxes. "
"I want copies of the lawyer liens and you said that someone had paid the taxes so I don't see how the City of Newark has a lien. What are you doing to stop the takeover of the house besides blaming others? Your sole purpose seems to make sure Dad's kin get nothing and all benefits go to the government."
My response: I object to the Medicaid lien on the grounds it was secured by fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. No doctor reports means that Dad did not receive any care to justify Medicaid expenses. I want copies of all the liens so I can protest them which is also what you should be doing. I was told the nursing home had been paid, either you told me or Kevin, so I need to know what is owed to them. I want copies of the lawyer liens and you said that someone had paid the taxes so I don't see how the City of Newark has a lien. What are you doing to stop the takeover of the house besides blaming others? Your sole purpose seems to make sure Dad's kin get nothing and all benefits go to the government.
Vanessa states: "Now his stupidity could keep you from receiving our Dad's insurance proceeds. Kevin, I hope you see from the idiots last email that he isn't your "friend". You can't tell your enemy everything. They should be on a need to know basis. Don't get me wrong, we can't keep him from what his rightfully his, but I would have gotten mine first."
My response: First, Vanessa, you said in writing Dad did not have an insurance policy. If you think you told the court, then what document is that? The fact is you said he did not have a policy. Second, why do you believe I am stupid and why do you believe that could keep Kevin from receiving benefits? I am the one who fought for Kevin to get benefits, against YOUR WISHES VANESSA. It is lunacy for you to say you can't keep me from what is rightfully mine, when that is what you have been doing for over three years:lack of full disclosure, fraud, and concealment of evidence. So your tried to convince your brother to delay giving me information. As an insurance and real estate agent, that statement of intent should cause The Taylor Group to lose its business license. As a beneficiary, I am entitled to full disclosure and so is Kevin. As you say, "I would have gotten mine first." You cannot conspire to keep me from benefiting from Dad's estate and you cannot conspire to treat me in an discriminatory manner as beneficiary. Seems to be that you are the one telling Kevin to do criminal acts.
Vanessa states: "I was required to get this info by the court so nothing has been hidden."
My response: When was it reported to the court and when was it reported to me? It was not reported to the court and you know it, liar. It doesn't seem to be on the annual report for 2011.
Vanessa states: "Please don't get your hopes up or make plans for your "windfall", as the evil idiot is up to his unnecessary tricks again."
My response: Since Dad has been killed, it is my belief you are no longer the guardian for that purpose. I believe someone in the family would have to pay to apply to be executor of the estate; I am not aware that anyone has been appointed. I have asked the court to clarity but they have not responded. When Kevin called me about the insurance policy, I told him I did not consider him to be an agent of Vanessa, that she should contact me herself. Finally I called the insurance company myself and found out the proper amount of information that Vanessa has yet to reveal; Vanessa knows but conceals that as an insurance agent, each beneficiary must be contacted individually, which Vanessa did not communicate to the insurance company or to next of kin. When Vanessa says "evil idiot" and "unnecessary tricks" she must be talking about herself.
With no help from Vanessa, I am in the process of receiving my birth certificate and will forward it to the insurance company since they only accept the long form. There is another insurance form which must be filled out with all kin names and social security and I don't now how that will happen since Vanessa said "Kiss my ass!" I guess that is what she has over 20 years experience at as insurance agent, real estate agent, and trustee, to get people to kiss her ass. She wants me to kiss her ass while blaming me for stopping Kevin from getting his money. Taylor is psychotic.
Vanessa states: "Someone should report this idiot to the FBI so they can keep an eye on him. His bitterness and evilness are surely warning signs of a possible breakdown that could cause him to harm innocent people. Recent shootings at the Empire State Building and the Pathmark in Oldbridge NJ are the most recent examples of what happens when deranged people such as your brother, can't find the results they are looking for. With all of his rantings on Youtube and his voluminous emails and complaints to anyone who will listen, the FBI should have him on their "watch" list."
My response:
My concern for over three years has been Dad's health and rights, myself as oldest child and beneficiary, Dad's property, and full disclosure from the Guardian. If that qualifies me to be on a "watch list" then maybe that list is really the new "Auschwitz" list. Vanessa speaks of a "possible breakdown" so she must be talking about herself.
The population of women in prison in the United States is growing at a remarkable rate, and the rate of increase of women has grown faster than that of men each year since 1981. At the end of 1988, more than 32,000 women were in state and federal prisons; the number has jumped 244 percent in the past eight years. The number of male prisoners has increased only 188 percent during the same period.
Does Vanessa reveal that she voluntarily sought psychiatric help a number of years ago and the matter had nothing to do with me? Maybe Vanessa will tell the FBI that. If you want to read about threats and about Vanessa's intent to get rid of Robert Johnson, read her writings over the past three years. If Vanessa wants to report me, go ahead, and she will be subject to a false claims reports which could subject her to $10,000 fine and prison time. I welcome her formal complaint, and I will welcome my right to confront my accuser in a court of law. The criminal threats come from you, Vanessa, because you are the fraud and the psychotic.
says New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's Judge Walter Koprowski Jr. Appointee Is it your contention Vanessa D. Johnson Taylor that everyone who posts on Youtube and writes emails and complains to the government should be on an FBI watch list? Is that your job as NJ real estate and insurance broker to create a new Auschwitz list of useless eaters?
" Judge Koprowski's Vanessa D. Johnson Taylor's bitterness and evilness are surely warning signs of a possible breakdown that could cause her to harm innocent people. " Come to think of it, as guardian, she already has harmed innocent people.
I have made numerous efforts in writing to resolve all claims in an amicable out of court settlement. You have refused to respond. You have engaged in retaliation because I named you in a housing discrimination complaint and a Justice Department complaint.
The right to grievances is the right to make a complaint to, or seek the assistance of, one's government, without fear of punishment or reprisals. ...The right to petition includes under its umbrella the right to sue the government,[9] and the right of individuals, groups and possibly corporations[10] to lobby the government. ...the rights to speak, associate, and petition...Freedom of association is the individual right to come together with other individuals and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests.[1] The right to freedom of association has been included in a number of national constitutions and human rights instruments, including the United States Bill of Rights, European Convention on Human Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
All rights and remedies are reserved.
[Redacted- Oldest Child]
FBI watch list http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/31/AR2009103102141.html
[This below explains what Vanessa D. Taylor and Judge Walter Koprowski do:]
article TRIBUNE http://www.dailytribune.com/article/20121005/news01/121009821
According to [Redacted], a national elder advocate and NASAGA member, he was contacted by producers of the Dr. Phil show, interested in covering the story. "What isn’t debatable any longer is the reason for the guardianship, advanced dementia was not accurate," wrote [Redacted]. "The misinformation in guardianships is common and takes too long to get the true facts presented to the court…. The family has no standing to sue for elder abuse until the victim dies. Where is the civil court system in providing protection to the elder victim? It is all about billable hours." "It is not about billable hours it is all about FRAUD, Deprivations of Rights under the Color of Law, Conspiracy against Rights, and violations to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution," said [Redacted], Advocate. "A person under a guardianship loses all rights, equal protections under the law under the presumption of incapacitation without ‘clear and convincing evidence’."
LEGAL ADVOCATE VIDEOS http://www.youtube.com/user/legaladvocate71
Kiss my Ass! Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: [Redacted- oldest child ] Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:41:50 -0700 (PDT) To: Vanessa Taylor ReplyTo: [Redacted-Oldest Child] Cc: Vanessa T Subject: Fw: Insurance Payout re Robert Johnson
Dear Vanessa:
Please today without further delay forward me a copy of all documents written to you by the insurance company Unicare or Ford Motor Company regarding Dad's insurance policy. Please also forward me the name, address, and phone number of such insurance company contact.
I realize this is your pattern of fraud, misconduct and ignorance over the past three years but I ask that you find the intelligence to act in a professional and reasonable manner, the same that you would expect of me if I was in your position.
I understand that you in the past said Dad had no life insurance; that was a falsehood on your part. You also said that you would have to sell Dad's property to pay for funeral insurance, yet the funeral was paid for by his VA benefits, another misrepresentation on your part. If you want to report someone to the FBI, you need to report yourself to them for your criminal acts against his estate.
I am forwarding this to Alisa, Letitia, and Kevin.
I also ask that you forward me a copy of Dad's autopsy results. And I still have not received authenticated copies of all bills against Dad's estate including any medicaid bills. Yes, you have a lot to report to the FBI.
from [Redacted- Oldest Child]
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Dear Vanessa D. Taylor :
I recall that over the last three years I repeatedly questioned if Dad had a life insurance policy. You either responded saying "no" or you were silent on the subject.
Today I am told by Kevin Johnson that a life insurance policy has surfaced thru Ford Motor Company and that my birth certificate is needed.
First of all, I do not know you and I do not know Kevin. And I don't trust either one of you.
If you need my birth certificate, then forward me the name address and phone of the Ford Motor Company person handling it and I will gladly forward my copied birth certificate to them.
As you know I have heard nothing from you about Dad's authenticated bills, his property, my claim against the property received by you, and any other claims against the property, and if an executor of the estate has been appointed; that is another reason I do not trust you.
from [Redacted-Oldest Child]
To All:
I am really tired of being slandered by your brother. His shenanigans kept our fathers house from being sold. Medicaid has placed a lien on his house for $98,000. The IRS has a lien, the nursing home has a lien, the lawyers have a lien and the City of Newark owns the tax lien. They will probably take over ownership of the house due to non-payment of taxes. Now his stupidity could keep you from receiving our dad's insurance proceeds. Kevin, I hope you see from the idiots last email that he isn't your "friend". You can't tell your enemy everything. They should be on a need to know basis. Don't get me wrong, we can't keep him from what his rightfully his, but I would have gotten mine first.
Just so everyone is clear, after I reported daddy's death to his pension company, I received a call regarding his life insurance policy. I knew he had one, however, Aunt Lee Lee was his beneficiary. I was told last year that unless I could get that changed, the proceeds would not be paid. I was required to get this info by the court so nothing has been hidden. When the rep called, he said that if Aunt Lee Lee was deceased, the proceeds can go to his next of kin, his natural born and any adoptive children. I, however, must secure Aunt Lee Lee's death certificate first. I will have to contact Robin and request it from her. I just received the paperwork from the life insurance company in the mail. I will email the forms and you can do what you need. Please don't get your hopes up or make plans for your "windfall", as the evil idiot is up to his unnecessary tricks again.
Someone should report this idiot to the FBI so they can keep an eye on him. His bitterness and evilness are surely warning signs of a possible breakdown that could cause him to harm innocent people. Recent shootings at the Empire State Building and the Pathmark in Oldbridge NJ are the most recent examples of what happens when deranged people such as your brother, can't find the results they are looking for. With all of his rantings on Youtube and his voluminous emails and complaints to anyone who will listen, the FBI should have him on their "watch" list.
Dear Unicare:
I was referred to you by Ford Motor Company.
My father ROBERT JOHNSON worked at Ford I believe around the sixties. He just recently passed away in May 2012.
I understand the insurance representative has been in touch with my sister Vanessa D. Taylor.
I want to make clear to you that, absent an interpleader action, Taylor is not my representative nor does she speak for me. Taylor is not the guardian of Robert Johnson nor does she have power of attorney over his monies or mine.
Taylor is also not the executor of the estate.
Taylor has in court papers been accused of fraud and theft, and she is a liar and a thief. She is currently the subject of wrongful death criminal investigation, and HUD discrimination, real estate and insurance fraud, and trustee fraud complaints. I have not received documents from Taylor since January 2012 and some in May 2012 but the communication between her and I is nonexistent for the most part.
If Unicare needs to communicate with me, please do so directly and not thru Taylor.
I am copying Vanessa Taylor this email.
If Wellpoint is not handling this matter, please refer this email to Unicare.
from [Redacted- Oldest Child] Oldest child of Robert Johnson
[ Editor: Bracketed items; bold headings and website links do not appear in the original emails. . Judge Theodore Stephens II is the Surrogate of Essex County, New Jersey who has refused to provide a copy of the case history. What is the court hiding? Kevin Johnson, Alisa Stewart, and Letitia Johnson-Tyler are named in court papers as children of the late Robert Johnson. Respondents received these as emails, faxes, or US mail. Vanessa D. Johnson Taylor works for The Taylor Group Inc of Manalapan New Jersey, and is allegedly an insurance broker with government contracts; she is also a real estate agent for Century 21. She was appointed guardian by Republican Governor Chris Christie’s Judge Walter Koprowski Jr . Taylor alleges monies owed to lawyers but she fraudulently failed to file with the court copies of the attorney fee statements to give family members opportunity to object. Perhaps another motive as to why she is believed to have killed her father. ]
| Others on the Judge | Advisory Committee Judicial Conduct | Recusal Request | Judge Koprowski Oath | Conduct Complaints | Support Removal of Judge | Kiss my Butt | The January 13 2012 Hearing | Letters to Surrogate Stephens | | Judge Conceal and Embezzle | The Appeal | Reply Stay Motion | | Return Home | Rep Karen Bass re Hyundai | Opposition to Sale of Property | What's New | Corrupt Los Angeles Rent Control | City LA Civil Rights Lawsuit re Hi Point Apts | Racism in America | Inside the Law Firm | California EDD Corruption | |
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