Raymond Chan's Armida Olguin-Flores Ham-Kushite Black Plantation Owner Hi Point Apts LLC, i.e. Walter Barratt, etc. Justice Department and HUD tandem parking 1522 Hi Point Street 90035 Mike Feuer Hi Point Apts LLC Marilyn and Tyler noah.frigault@dfeh.ca.gov Ham-Jew-Dna Kushite/Black DFEH burden-shifting Prima Facie Housing Case Herb Wesson HUD contact.center@dfeh.ca.gov (contact.center@dfeh.ca.gov); Debbie L. Harmon (debbie.l.harmon@hud.gov); Charles Floyd (thefirstjew@yahoo.com); Ambassador Charles Linder Floyd (thekushite@gmail.com); Justice Department (askdoj@usdoj.gov); Hi LLC (walter.barratt@gmail.com); Cliff Renfrew (cliffrenfrew@gmail.com); councilmember.wesson@lacity.org (councilmember.wesson@lacity.org); Marilyn London (marilynlondonml@gmail.com); Ali Maintenance (amozannar@gmail.com) hcidla.rso.central@lacity.org hcidla.rso@lacity.org
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Updated October 28 2020 ![]()
Report to City Controller Ron Galperin - continuing performance and continuing damages From: G Johnson (email redacted) To: hcidla.rso.central@lacity.org; councilmember.wesson@lacity.org; councilmember.martinez@lacity.org; councilmember.bonin@lacity.org; paul.koretz@lacity.org; councilmember.lee@lacity.org; councilmember.rodriguez@lacity.org; councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org; councilmember.blumenfield@lacity.org; councilmember.cedillo@lacity.org; councilmember.krekorian@lacity.org; councilmember.buscaino@lacity.org; councilmember.price@lacity.org; gavin@gavinnewsom.com; answers@hud.gov; fairhousing@usdoj.gov; mayor.garcetti@lacity.org; councilmember.deleon@lacity.org; councilmember.harris-dawson@lacity.org Cc: info@housingrightscenter.org; controller.galperin@lacity.org Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 07:49 PM PDT Update to Interested Parties Report to City Controller Ron Galperin Dear Interested Parties: I am currently being cross-sued in Los Angeles Superior Court small claims court case 19STSC14394 filed 12/23/19. I wanted to bring you up to date on some aspects of the case since it involves this rent controlled building and city employees/officials, although no city employees are yet named as parties, but are named in exhibits. 1. The core case is JOHNSON v. Power Property Management Group, Inc. a corporation dba Power Property Group, Hi Point Apts LLC, Walter Barratt, Brent Parsons, Cynthia Reynosa, and Kassandra Kamala Harris aka Kassy Harris. The core case states that damages are based on (lack of) intercom repair, negligence, denial tandem parking, bad faith, nominal damages, general damages, specific performance. Filed December 23, 2019. 2. The case was continued once due to COIVID-19 court closures, once it was continued due to request of defendants. Twice it has been continued because defendants did not want the case heard by a temporary Judge. 3. In the meantime, nearly nine months after the core case was filed, Walter Barratt owner/Hi Point Apts LLC (owner subject property 1522 Hi Point St Apartments 90035) filed a cross complaint against myself for $10,000. (His cross complaint is viewed by me as unlawful retaliation.) The cross complaint claims "retaliation, harassment, prior small claims case litigated 2014, defamation, frivolous lawsuit claims with the city; other frivolous lawsuits; vexatious litigant." Barratt claims in the court filed document that he has suffered "loss of rental income because of defendants' (Johnson) actions" for the time period June 2104 - September 2020. Barratt says in court papers that prior to the lawsuit he made no demand on myself for the damages nor presumably from his words has he made any demand related to the allegation of "harassment". "Why would they feel harassed by a Black tenant asking for housing services?" 4. By claiming damages from 2014, Barratt has made his cross complaint time barred. 5. It is interesting that Barratt claims "harrassment" from 2014 ----six years ago---but there is no indication he ever brought the harassment charges to my attention in 2014-2015. In 2016 his management company attorney claimed "vexatious litigant/harrassment" against me but that motion was denied by two federal judges. From 2017-2020, there has been no mention to me that Walter or his employees felt harassed because I as a Black American asked for my intercom to be repaired. Why would they feel harassed by a Black tenant asking for housing services? Barratt's complaint proves that by his employees' conduct, no harassment from me to them has occurred. Barratt and Power Property run a scheme to defraud myself and the court. If someone is harassing you, so you wait six years to complain about it? That is not believable. 6. No word yet if Barratt or his workers have attempted to file a police report, such false statements that might subject the defendants to jail time. 7. Barratt nor any of the defendants have filed any exhibits with the court to prove they felt harassed or brought it to my attention 2014-2015 or 2017 to 2020. 8. The court docket claims that all defendants filed the cross complaint, but the docket also shows that the cross complaint scanned is only signed by Walter Barratt for Hi Point Apts LLC. I have brought the lack of signed complaints to the court's attention, but the court clerk refuses to respond. There are no signed complaints from Brent Parsons, Cynthia Reynosa, Power Property Management Group, or Kassandra Harris. I guess post COVID-19, justice is meted out in the court's absent a signed complaint, a denial of due process. 9. Barratt's cross complaint fails to calculate how he arrived at the alleged damages. 10. The city of Los Angeles government authorized the intercom system at 1522 Hi Point St in 1973 and again in 2015 when a new intercom system was installed, yet the city government refuses to participate in the maintenance of the intercom system. Hundreds of buildings across the city have intercom systems. 11. City online documents says there have been ending July 2019 -June 2020, 13,463 "investigation and enforcement inspections" and 12,200 calls processed monthly; yet none of that has resulted in my unit intercom being repaired or the assignment of a tandem parking stall. 12. Power Property Management group and its employees are the faces of ugly segregation, the Racists Among Us. Those government officials who act powerless against racism, are just as dangerous as those who practice racism, because they perpetuate the racism. 13. See the attached pictures of Power Property Management Group. "Racists Among Us" 14. The court received from me on October 15, 2020, an amended list of exhibits. No one seems to know where those exhibits are at. Sherry R. Carter is the executive officer clerk of the courts. 15. IMO the defendants want this matter in a higher jurisdiction court. I imagine they want to subpoena city employees to testify they feel "harassed" by a Black man asking for fair housing. I imagine that in order to prove lost rental income, Barratt and PPMG will have to open their accounting books to public scrutiny. "...That to me represents the retaliatory, racist, and horrid housing conditions for those who come to Los Angeles to reside..." 16. I simply asked for my intercom to be repaired and I asked for an available extra parking stall in 2014 and beyond. For this I get sued for $10,000. That to me represents the retaliatory, racist, and horrid housing conditions for those who come to Los Angeles to reside. This is not an isolated incident. 17. If defendants Reynosa and Harris claim they were harassed in 2014-2018, the record shows I did not meet them esp Harris until February 2019, which means a false statement on Harris and Reynosa's part. Maybe they will have to face jail time. 18. Next communication I will reveal which city employees are named in court exhibits. 19. This building is advertised as applicants must pay $100 deposit for utilities. But not all tenants pay $100 for utilities and this is still a master metered building. Why has city government not taken action on this fraud scheme by the owner? 20. For three units IMO the intercom does not work. But all tenants pay for the common area intercom control unit at the front door; all tenants are entitled to a rent reduction because the common area intercom is not functioning as intended. 21. The mayor and council are requested that if you know anyone experiencing housing problems at this building, they should contact myself (or the last resort rent control department), and they may wish to testify in this current lawsuit which was today continued to February 2021. 22. Why would anyone want to rent from defendants such as these who exercise such a chilling effect on those who complain? All rights reserved. Johnson 1522 Hi Point St 9 Ham-Jew-DNA-Kushite/Black Phone (redacted) Disclaimer: This email is intended to help others as well as myself to exercise or enjoy the right to non-discriminatory treatment in the "terms, conditions, or privileges" or "services or facilities" provided in connection with housing and other civil rights laws and rights under the Constitution. This email is not intended to make any false, misleading, or derogatory statements nor is the email intended to defame or slander any person or entity or to express any opinions or facts not already disclosed to the Public or to government entities or officials. This email constitutes protected activity. All rights reserved.
![]() Updated Oct 23 2020 Nightmare on Hi Point St 90035
Nightmare on Hi Point St 90035 From: G Johnson (email address redacted) To: hcidla.rso.central@lacity.org; councilmember.wesson@lacity.org; councilmember.martinez@lacity.org; councilmember.bonin@lacity.org; paul.koretz@lacity.org; councilmember.lee@lacity.org; councilmember.rodriguez@lacity.org; councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org; councilmember.blumenfield@lacity.org; councilmember.cedillo@lacity.org; councilmember.krekorian@lacity.org; councilmember.buscaino@lacity.org; councilmember.price@lacity.org; gavin@gavinnewsom.com; answers@hud.gov; fairhousing@usdoj.gov; councilmember.harris- dawson@lacity.org; mayor.garcetti@lacity.org; councilmember.deleon@lacity.org Cc: info@housingrightscenter.org LOS ANGELES. Nightmare on Hi Point St 90035 Hundreds of buildings across the city have intercom systems. Numerous buildings in the 90035 zip code have intercoms; some intercoms are connected to a security system, some are connected to the phone line, some are only connected to the front door of the building. Intercoms occur in multifamily apartments as well as condominiums. In 1973 the city government of Los Angeles issued a CFO for this address which included installation of an intercom system. In or around 2015 the Los Angeles city government authorized the installation of a new intercom system at this address which was installed to the front of the building and connected to select units. However, the intercoms at units 5, 8, 9 remain non-functioning to this day (since 2014). The management company for this rent controlled building is Power Property Group at 8885 Venice Blvd #205, Los Angeles 90034. Power Property Group is currently being sued in court case 19STSC14394 Los Angeles Superior Court, for failure to maintain the intercom system. Power Property has been sued by other tenants in other lawsuits for the same issue. While the city of Los Angeles government is not named as a party in the lawsuit, numerous city officials and city employees are named in case exhibits. Attached is a picture of the outside intercom box at this address. The unit numbers appear as if all intercoms are working, but units 9,8, 5 are not working as intended. The outside intercom unit is a false and deceptive business practice by the property owner that the city government of Los Angeles mayor and council and other housing employees participate in. Attached is pictures of the staff of Power Property Group. The pictures are from a website accessible by the Public. The information in this email is being posted to the worldwide web. The web blog and document constitutes protected activity. This web blog is intended to help all persons to exercise or enjoy the right to non-discriminatory treatment in the "terms, conditions, or privileges" or "services or facilities" provided in connection with housing. This email is not intended to make any false, misleading, or derogatory statements nor is the email intended to defame or slander any person or entity or to express any opinions or facts not already a matter of public record or already disclosed to the public by communication to government agencies, entities, employees, officials or by publication by newspaper or other media distributed to the public. All rights reserved. Geary "G" Juan Johnson 1522 Hi Point St 9 Los Angeles CA 90035 Phone ( redacted) (reference. Random Lengths news ad February 22, 2018. Page 17. Issue accessible online)
2020-10-5 For Court Intercom Letters Back Up.jpeg 1.8MB Power T Khammar.jpg 358.2kB Power Brent Parsons.jpg 147.2kB Power Staff JPG 1 of 3.jpg (Editor note: Excerpt: "I live in an 18 unit building where some tenants have been skipped over for maintenance and tandem parking---for years---damaged at over $350 per month yet (Mayor Eric) Garcetti's $100,000 (per year) code enforcement/rent control employees refuse to address the racial inequities...". Online Random Lengths news, August 9, 2018, page 19. Los Angeles, California. ) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Staff Power Property Group is agent for Hi Point Apts LLC i.e. owner Walter Barratt ![]() google87574340e4e92207.html Corrupt Los Angeles
Rent Control
The Rent Adjustment Commission (RAC) of the City of Los Angeles consists of seven members who are neither landlords nor tenants. Members are appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval by the Los Angeles City Council. The term of office for each member of the Commission is four years
Update April 16 2017- new links below
Parking worsens at Hi Point Faircrest Heights 90035
Los Angeles- That is why the city RAC regulations value parking at $200 per stall per month in this area if rent control parking is reduced or removed [if you can get the city corrupt HCIDLA to enforce and rule in the tenant's favor, which is like pulling all your teeth out at once] .
Who to contact for health and safety complaints
City Involvement in Unsafe Work Practices Recently a unit was sprayed during the course of resurfacing a sink. Neither the management company nor the owner nor the repairman explained to the tenants that the spraying was hazardous chemicals nor did they advise the tenant to leave the unit during the repairs. So the tenants were coughing, gagging, eyes watering, headache. We asked the maintenance and owner and code enforcement what hazardous chemicals were being used. No one has responded. Recently a tenant died in unit #17. He was Black. No one thought to ask was that tenant targeted or was the target another let’s say white tenant. No one answers those questions either. If you are naive, health and safety is not that important. We asked code enforcement, "You wouldn’t care if every tenant in there was harmed." Code enforcement did not answer.
Where's Walter?
Maintenance Ali Mozannar was spotted on the property today at about 3:30 p.m. In fact he exchanged greetings with the Blackman tenant. But Mozannar was here to see the resident manager, a White tenant. So another day passes and the Intercom is still unusable for the Black man, even though he continues to pay rent. How many Los Angeles white employees does it take to fix an intercom?
Tenant buyouts lead to protests and Mayor Eric Garcetti signs new laws
Mayor Eric Garcetti, attorney Michael Feuer, Rushmore Cervantes, and other city employees orchestrated the illegal buyouts and told property owners that they did not have to follow THP and Ellis rent control regulations. They need to show the tenants the money that they are owed. Then Garcetti, Feuer, and Cervantes need to be fired.
![]() Letters accuse Eric Garcetti of racial discrimination; Mayor unresponsive
[Below are from an email/letter to Public Officials. All documents are subject to a CPRA request.] Continued request for Rent Reductions re Reduction of Tandem Parking Stall and Loss of Intercom service at 1522 Hi Point St To Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Rent Adjustment Commission In the past month, I believe Cliff Renfrew, agent of Hi Point Apts LLC, as well as maintenance persons, have been in the Apt 9, at least three or four times. Still the intercom is not repaired and my requests to secure a tandem parking stall are not answered. Renfrew et al actions are intentional to cause harm to me. Letters accuse Eric Garcetti of racial discrimination; Mayor unresponsive I would imagine since Michael Feuer's Robert P. Moore said an intercom is not a housing service, that Moore's parents if they lived here would also be denied a working intercom. Are there any other qualifications for having an intercom/tandem stall at 1522, i.e race, color, sex, source of income, etc.?
To Hi Point Apts LLC Walter, Cliff, Lorrie et al: These sections are listed on the Rent Adjustment Commission regulations website: "410.04 Housing services are services that are connected with the use or occupancy of a rental unit including, but not limited to, utilities (including light, heat, water and telephone), ordinary repairs or replacement, and maintenance including painting. The term also includes the provision of elevator service, laundry facilities and privileges, common recreational facilities, janitor service, resident manager, refuse removal, furnishings, food service, parking and any other benefits, privileges or facilities. (LAMC Sec. 151.02, Definition of Housing Services)."
"411.01 When a tenant makes a complaint that there has been a reduction in housing services in violation of housing codes related to habitability of a dwelling under California Health & Safety Code 17920.3 or 17920.10, the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investments Department will determine a corresponding reduction in rent under the Rent Escrow Account Program regulations (RAC Regulations 1200.00 et . seq)."
"411.02 When a tenant makes a complaint that there has been a reduction in housing services and those services do not correspond to the habitability of a dwelling under California Health & Safety Code 17920.3 or 17920.10, the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department will determine a corresponding reduction in rent under regulations 413.00 et seq. and 414.00 et. seq. below." [emphasis added].
Please answer the following questions in writing by first class mail within the next three days: 1. What are the qualifications for a tenant to be assigned an intercom/tandem parking stall? 2. Which tenants by apartment number do not qualify for an intercom/tandem parking stall? 4. How much was the rent reduced for tenants who did not receive a working intercom/tandem parking stall? 6. Are there any other qualifications for having an intercom/tandem stall at 1522, i.e race, color, sex, source of income, etc.? 9. List any tenant(s) whose apartments do not have working intercoms. 10. How is first come first served applied to the assignment of intercoms/tandem parking stalls? 11. What state government training/certification/license have you received to be hired as a resident manager? 12. Do you have a real estate broker's license? Does your employer who hired you to manage this property have a real estate broker's license and if so provide the license number. 13. Have you received sensitivity training on the civil rights laws that govern the rights of tenants?
In the past month, I believe Cliff Renfrew, agent of Hi Point Apts LLC, as well as maintenance persons, have been in the Apt 9, at least three or four times. Still the intercom is not repaired and my requests to secure a tandem parking stall are not answered. Renfrew et al actions are intentional to cause harm to me. Connected with the THP process, I have incurred damages of $150 day off work Nov 16, day off work Nov 18 $150, doctor appnt co-pay $25.00 on November 16, parking at the hospital $8.00, postage related to the THP and apartment renovations fed ex to housing $11.15. Please remit payment today. Code enforcement employees have also as a habitability complaint and health and safety complaint not issued an order that the intercom should be repaired, [apts 9, 5, 8, 15] although code enforcement has been to the property numerous times and in the apt 9 numerous times over the past 6 months. In all due respect, I imagine that if any of you had parents living at this location and their intercom was not working, I imagine you would treat them in the same discriminatory and callous manner that I am being treated. I would imagine since Michael Feuer's Robert P. Moore said an intercom is not a housing service, that Moore's parents if they lived here would also be denied a working intercom.
[Today editor note: according to local law and state law, contrary to what city attorney Robert P. Moore says, an intercom is a housing service because it is there for the use of the tenant. See RAC regulations above as well as state law. So how many tenants across Los Angles has Robert Moore directed city employees to cheat tenants out of their money?] The owner and with the actual and constructive knowledge of the LAHCID/RSD, has switched tenants who are White who asked for their parking stall to be switched; he has supplied two car stall to those white tenants who requested them. He has ignored my request for a tandem parking stall. To help resolve this matter, all the owner/city government has to say is "We will fix your intercom on November 26. It should take us no longer than two hours. We will also switch you to a tandem parking stall on November 26. We will reimburse you 18 x 60 for the loss of intercom $1080 and for loss of parking stall 18 x 200 = $3600, by check payable to you November 26 2015" : other than for reasons of racial discrimination and retaliation against me, why is it so hard for the owner/city LAHCID to say this? 26 seconds to say it. One minute and 33 seconds to write it.
I am a witness that Hi Point Apts LLC has with government help cheated numerous tenants out of money owed for primary renovations. Cliff told city officials that our apt would be temporarily relocated to apt 15 or 18, for repairs, Renfrew knowing full well that apt 15 is occupied and apt 18 was never available. Renfrew further engaged in false advertising and housing fraud by advertising apt 16 for rent knowing that apartment is also occupied.
"Rental agreements involving units that were constructed without building permits or lack a certificate of occupancy are ordinarily regarded as unlawful and void. (Espinoza v. Calva (2008) 169 Cal.App.4th 1393, 1400; Salazar v. Maradeaga (1992) 10 Cal.App.4th Supp. 1, 4 (Salazar ).) This is because "[t]he object of a contract must be lawful [citation]; i.e., it must not be in conflict either with express statutes or public policy. [Accordingly, i]f the contract has a single object, and that object is unlawful (whether in whole or in part), the entire contract is void." (1 Witkin, Summary of Cal. Law (10th ed. 2005) Contracts, § 420, p. 461.) "- Carter v Cohen. Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 4, California. - 2010
"Generally, section 12.21 prohibits the use of any structure or building in the absence of "all permits and licenses required by all laws and ordinances." Section 12.26(E)(1) further provides that "no building erected or structurally altered shall be occupied or used until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued." A certificate of occupancy is issued only when a structure is completed in conformity with the Los Angeles Municipal Code. (Pope v. State Bd. of Equalization (1983) 146 Cal.App.3d 1132, 1139.) - Carter v Cohen. Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 4, California. - 2010. In this instant case, no permit for the brick wall and for extending striping stall 13 prohibits owner from collecting rents on any renovated units at 1522 Hi Point St.
SHRC v Krug
112. A plaintiff fair housing organization seeking punitive damages in a fair housing case must show that the Defendants acted with "reckless or callous indifference" for the fair housing rights of others. See Fair Housing of Marin, 285 F.3d at 906-07 (citing Smith v. Wade, 461 U.S. 30, 56, 103 S.Ct. 1625, 75 L.Ed.2d 632 (1983)); Szwast v. Carlton Apartments, 102 F.Supp.2d 777, 780 (E.D.Mich.2000) (standard used for punitive damages for 1983 violations is the same for FHA violations). 113. In determining whether to impose punitive damages, the fact finder will consider "an evaluation of the nature of the conduct in question, the wisdom of some form of pecuniary punishment, and the advisability of a deterrent" to future illegal conduct. Gore v. Turner, 563 F.2d 159, 164 (5th Cir.1977). The owner's direct participation in the discriminatory practice is not necessary; punitive damages may be awarded where the owner ignored its duties under the law or otherwise engaged in "knowledgeable inaction." See Miller v. Apartments and Homes of New Jersey, Inc., 646 F.2d 101, 111 (3d Cir.1981); Badami v. Flood, 214 F.3d 994 (8th Cir.2000); see also Pacific Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Haslip, 499 U.S. 1, 111 S.Ct. 1032, 113 L.Ed.2d 1 (1991). Nor must the conduct be outrageous to warrant punitive damages. Preferred Properties v. Indian River Estates, Inc., 276 F.3d 790, 799-801 (6th Cir.2002).
I undertand that Cliff told my roommate that he is irritated over the voice messages and emails I have written. I am pretty frustrated myself that I have to incur the costs over the last fifteen months to seek the housing money I am entitled to, knowing that I am being boxed into a corner to pursue court litigation against such owner led KKK tactics. I am simply following my obligations under the rental agreement to report when something is not working in the apartment unit. As was said by Cliff in a letter dated Nov 4 2015: "Lorrie...is the first point of call if you have general concern or need help." My emails and voicemails have noted my general concern over the non-working intercom and my need for help in getting the owners to respond to my requests for a tandem parking stall. If I feel the best way to resolve this is to contact you every month, every week, or every day, I will continue to do so. As new evidence, my rent was paid current November 1, 2015.
I demand that the intercom for apt 9 be fixed today. I demand that apt 9 be provided a tandem parking stall today, with no additional rent charge. I demand an immediate rent reduction of $260 per month for every month forward that apt 9 is without a working intercom or tandem parking stall. I demand reimbursement since May 2014 for the loss of parking stall, and loss of working intercom, of $260 per month for total of $4680, plus applicable double or treble damages. Hope you can comprehend English. All rights reserved. [Tenant name redacted]
[I realize that most of the people I am writing, law abiding citizens excepted, are full of shit, corrupt, and unresponsive, but for purposes of proving housing discrimination and retaliation damages and injunctive, declarative relief, punitive damages, I am obligated to conduct due diligence.]
ref: Google "Futility of Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies"
c: DFEH, via email above DFEH 2218 Kausen Drive Housing and Urban Development, federal government agency via email above Los Angeles City Council and Mayor by President Herb Wesson, email above Walter Barratt, Hi Point Apts by email above Ali Mozannar, Hi Point Apts by email above HCIDLA by email above U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Los Angeles County Public Health Assemblyperson Karen Bass, Senator Lois Wolk bcc: LADBS LAMC 41.33 Peaceful Enjoyment SEC. 41.33. LANDLORDS – DISTURBING TENANTS. No person, except a duly authorized officer pursuant to the authority of legal process, shall interfere with the peaceful enjoyment, use, possession or occupancy of any premises by the lawful lessee or tenant of such premises either by threat, fraud, intimidation, coercion, duress, or by the maintenance or toleration of a public nuisance, or by cutting off heat, light, water, fuel or free communication by anyone by mail, telephone or otherwise, or by restricting trade or tradesmen from or to any such tenant.
[To the Justice Department: Like it was done in the sixties civil rights era, please send federal marshals to assist me to stop the deprivation of my civil rights at the 1522 Hi Point Street address 90035, by named government officials and private parties.]
Denial due process Response to November 20 Postmarked Discriminatory Letter of Yeom-Garcetti-Cervantes re 1522 Hi Point Apts LLC If Yeom-Garcetti-Cervantes’ mothers lived in this building, I suppose Yeom-Garcetti-Cervantes would deny such mothers, in all due respect, a working intercom. Other than for purposes of racial discrimination and corruption, why is the owner and the government employees allowed to take this practice? Typical corruption
November 24 2015
Via Email and US First Class Mail
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department LAHCID /RSD Ian Yeom Rushmore Cervantes/Director 1200 W. 7th St., 1st Floor [via email above and US Mail ] Board of Building and Safety Commissioners Department of Building and Safety 201 N. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 [via email above and US Mail ] HCIDLA Rent Adjustment Commission Jeffery J. Daar, Chairperson Barbara Araceli Sophia Gonzalezso [via email above and US Mail ] Mr. Walter Barratt Lorrie Sakauchi [via email above and US Mail ] Re: LAHCID admits discriminatory role in denial of housing services at 1522 Hi Point Street ; Violation of state and federal civil rights and equal protection and under color of law; joint and several liability; violation LAMC 41.33 by government officials; health and safety and habitability violations by government officials and property owner; denial due process I have received the letter of Ian Yeom, Manager of Investigation and Enforcement, such letter postmarked November 20 2015 from Eric Garcetti Mayor and Rushmore D. Cervantes, General Manager, LAHCID. I received the letter today November 24. Attached as PDF is a copy of your letter. This letter is being forwarded to the News Media as a matter of urgent public interest. I am a Ham-Jew-DNA-Kushite/Black. Your letter is not acceptable as a resolution to the issues of tandem parking stall and intercom rent reductions for apt 9 at the 1522 Hi Point St location. Your letter references your city case numbers CE203006 and CE212259. Thru this letter, the United States Justice Department is asked to suspend federal funding from the city government of Los Angeles for sixty days based on the November 20 postmarked discrimination letter of Ian Yeom as attached as PDF. "Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Specifically, Title VI provides that[n]o person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. 42 U.S.C. § 2000d. Title VI is the model for several subsequent statutes that prohibit discrimination on other grounds in federally assisted programs or activities, including Title IX (discrimination in education programs prohibited on the basis of sex) and Section 504 (discrimination prohibited on the basis of disability)." "The clearest example of Federal financial assistance is the award or grant of money. Federal financial assistance, however, also may be in nonmonetary form. See Department of Transportation v. Paralyzed Veterans, 477 U.S. 597, 607 n.11 (1986)." The November 20 postmarked letter of Ian Yeom [Eric Garcetti, Rushmore D. Cervantes, et al.] is not in compliance with the Rent Adjustment Commission regulations 410.04, 411.01, 411.02, and is also a violation of my civil rights. "410.04 Housing services are services that are connected with the use or occupancy of a rental unit including, but not limited to, utilities (including light, heat, water and telephone), ordinary repairs or replacement, and maintenance including painting. The term also includes the provision of elevator service, laundry facilities and privileges, common recreational facilities, janitor service, resident manager, refuse removal, furnishings, food service, parking and any other benefits, privileges or facilities. (LAMC Sec. 151.02, Definition of Housing Services)." "411.01 When a tenant makes a complaint that there has been a reduction in housing services in violation of housing codes related to habitability of a dwelling under California Health & Safety Code 17920.3 or 17920.10, the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investments Department will determine a corresponding reduction in rent under the Rent Escrow Account Program regulations (RAC Regulations 1200.00 et . seq)." "411.02 When a tenant makes a complaint that there has been a reduction in housing services and those services do not correspond to the habitability of a dwelling under California Health & Safety Code 17920.3 or 17920.10, the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department will determine a corresponding reduction in rent under regulations 413.00 et seq. and 414.00 et. seq. below." [emphasis added]. Yeom in his letter appears to be engaged in some type of discriminatory retaliatory deranged mind masochistic fit of fantasy that is not in compliance with the RAC regulations above.
THE PARKING TANDEM STALL ISSUE I reserve the right to modify, revoke, or amend this email at any time. It is not intended as a remedy or resolution of any claims against the parties named. The rental agreement which the city admits to receiving indicates that apt 9 had two cars at the inception of the tenancy ["parking spaces…2]". By conduct of the parties, which the city admits to receiving a declaration under penalty of perjury re the parking oral agreement, the previous owner and apt 9 tenants agreed that apt 9 could park in a tandem two car stall. Photographic evidence supplied to LAHCID [and for purposes of the federal jury and/or grand jury] evidence shows apt 9 cars parked in stall #14, a two car stall, thus proving, much to the LAHCID dismay, that apt 9 was receiving services of a two car stall. There is no evidence that prior to the new owner that any tenant at 1522 other than apt 9 was assigned to stall #14; there is no rental agreement for any other tenant that might have been assigned to stall #14 prior to May 2014. So for the LAHCID to say we did not present written evidence is false. Further written evidence received by the LAHCID [also available for a grand jury] is that I provided the owner 30 day notice circa April 2014 where the owner agent Cliff Renfrew writes that apt 9 was parked in stall #14; irrefutable written evidence that apt 9 was receiving the housing service stall #14. Under RAC section 411.02 or 411.01, apt 9 suffered a housing reduction entitling us to a rent reduction when the owner unilaterally and arbitrarily moved apt 9 to parking stall #8 under threat of eviction. Alternatively, after the May 2014 reduction in housing parking stall, even if that argument is not accepted, the address still had tandem stalls available i.e. stalls 1-12 were single stalls and 13-19 were tandem; apt 9 tenants in still not having a tandem stall at the property still suffer a housing reduction in that apt 9 has been repeatedly denied a tandem parking stall, i.e. in May 2014 six tandem stalls were empty. If the city argues apt 9 did not suffer a reduction in housing services prior to May 2014, apt 9 has still suffered a reduction in housing service after May 2014, entitling apt 9 to a reduction in rent.
I reserve the right to modify, revoke, or amend this email at any time. It is not intended as a remedy or resolution of any claims against the parties named. The intercom is a health and safety as well as habitability issue, as well may be the intercom since the intercom is viewed as a safety device, which after 15 months the LAHCID code enforcement has yet to address. Typical corruption.
If Yeom-Garcetti-Cervantes’ mothers lived in this building, I suppose Yeom-Garcetti-Cervantes would deny such mothers, in all due respect, a working intercom. Other than for purposes of racial discrimination and corruption, why is the owner and the government employees allowed to take this practice? I do not understand or agree with the November 20 postmarked case decision of LAHCID.
The city claims that it has "written declarations from other long term residents in the property" and that "the intercom has been inoperable since 2006". First, the city has no such declarations, so that is false; what the city turned over to me were "letters" of residents Tyler and Marilyn. Neither letter was verified under penalty of perjury, neither was notarized. Neither Tyler or Marilyn lived in apt 9 so they were not witness to the condition of apt 9’s intercom. Apt 9 tenants were actually tenants in 2010 BEFORE Marilyn became a tenant around 2012. Yeom-Garcetti-Cervantes triplets claim "the intercom was not a service provided to you at inception of tenancy." As for the city’s claim that the intercom was "inoperable", the rental agreement attests to the fact that there was nothing in the apartment that was not working at the time of inception of tenancy, that all appliances were in working order; the city’s claim that the intercom was not provided at the inception of tenancy [presumably because it is not specifically listed in the rental agreement] is false because many things may not be listed in the rental agreement like kitchen sink, bathroom cabinet, closet, but they are still provided for the use of the tenant. The RAC 410.04 overrides this argument of the city by stating the city obligation as "Housing services are services that are connected with the use or occupancy of a rental unit including, but not limited to, utilities (including light, heat, water and telephone), ordinary repairs or replacement, and maintenance including painting." The owner Hi Point Apts LLC (Abady Holdings) has admitted in letters to the city that the building had an intercom system when he purchased the building. RAC 410.04 defines that the intercom is "connected with the use or occupancy" and that the intercom under city regulation is subject to "ordinary repairs or replacement, and maintenance", such that whether in the rental agreement or not, it is in the apartment and if not maintained or repaired, apts 9, 5, 15, and 8 are entitled to a rent reduction. Code enforcement is also a witness to the intercoms in the apartment and the city authorized a prior $17.08 rent increase partially based on the intercom-door entry system.
Finally, the owner’s conduct, and such building interior witnessed by code enforcement, is that every apartment comes with an intercom; that is what he has stated in writing, and as to what he inherited by purchasing the building.
I remind you that on a civil rights level, the majority of tenants who are whites in the 1522 Hi Point St building have a working intercom, and received one immediately upon moving in and did not have to beg for one for over 15 months.
The city government has assumed responsibility for this property thru the rent control ordinance and thru LAHCID. FURTHER UNANSWERED QUESTIONS TO ALL PARTIES ABOVE. PLEASE RESPOND. SUBJECT TO GC 815.6, ET AL. 1. What are the qualifications for a tenant to be assigned an intercom/tandem parking stall? Please respond in writing by first class mail. All rights reserved to bring suit for damages due to violations the Ku Klux Klan Act [42 U.S.C. 1983], Executive Order 11063, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VIII Civil Rights Act of 1968; declarative, injunctive, and punitive damages; California GC 12900 et seq, California GC 51, 51.2, 53, consumer fraud act, Equal Protection Act. Govt Code 815.6. Please provide immediate rent reductions for the intercom and tandem parking stall without further delay, in accordance with my email of 11/22/2015 and applicable RAC regulations stated herein. Again, the discriminatory and retaliatory letter of Yeom-Garcetti-Cervantes is not acceptable as a resolution of the damage claims against the city government or property owner. Sincerely [Tenant name redacted] [Ham-Jew-DNA-Kushite/Black] November 24, 2015 c: Senator Lois Wolk Fair Housing Department of Justice DFEH LADBS ref: Emails Oct 17 2015 at 8:18 am and Email 11/22/15 at 3:08 pm to property owner and city government, demands for payment of damages. LAMC 41.33 Peaceful Enjoyment [Above are excerpts from an email/letter to Public Officials. All documents are subject to a CPRA request.]
![]() August 21 2015 Update
Discrimination and corruption Los Angeles Housing Department
The information in this video is based on information supplied to the public officials [and in public documents] Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Council, property owner, Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Department, and the California Department of Fair Housing in emails, letters, voicemails, etc. various dates in 2014 and 2015 and to assemblyperson Karen Bass and Senator Lois Wolk. [If comments are disabled, use "discussion" group.] Los Angeles City Council : Mayor Eric Garcetti, Gilbert Cedillo, Paul Krekorian, Bob Blumenfield, David E. Ryu, Paul Koretz, Nury Martinez, Felipe Fuentes, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Curren D. Price, Jr., Herb J. Wesson, Jr., Mike Bonin, Mitchell Englander, Mitch O'Farrell, Jose Huizar, Joe Buscaino. Los Angeles Rent Adjustment Commission Members are Jeffery J. Daar, Chairperson; Tai Glenn, Vice Chairperson ;Carole Brogdon; Leonora Gershman Pitts; Paula Leftwich; Jane Paul; Dash Stolarz. Other housing service violations: "City LAHCID admits role in setting discriminatory parking rules in rent control building."
Click on new site on Los Angeles Affordable Housing
OR http://lahousingrentcontrol.com ![]() Update August 12 2015 ![]() Your June 30 Notice of Case Closure of City LAHCID Case CE208134
![]() Jerry Brown's DFEH Says Blacks Not Entitled to Civil Rights Protection- Case 37638-156612- Supplement to the Complaint
The Torture Chamber for Blacks at Hi Point Apts
Dear DFEH:
Your letter of June 23 2015 is not acceptable as a resolution of the discrimination claims, and derivative claims, I have presented.
* Select Black tenants at the property, including myself, after over 12 months, still are damaged by being denied a working intercom, continuing
* Select Black tenants at the property, including myself, after over 12 months, still have not received a rent reduction because of the non-working intercom, continuing
* As a Ham-Jew-Dna Kushite/Black, I have been damaged by numerous illegal rent increases, continuing
* Select Black tenants have been damaged because they did not receive a rent rebate due to lack of resident manager, continuing
* As a Ham-Jew-Dna Kushite/Black, continuing, I am damaged by being denied a tandem parking stall
* As a Ham-Jew-Dna Kushite/Black, continuing, I am damaged by being denied a rent reduction due to the loss of a tandem parking stall
* The DFEH has failed to exercise reasonable diligence to protect Blacks like myself from the risk of injury at 1522 Hi Point Street 90035.
The articles below are illustrative that after as in this case a prima facie case has been established, the DFEH is then authorized not to ask for more details or proof, but obligated to seek a response from the Respondent(s). The DFEH has failed to seek a "burden-shifting" response from the Respondents. This is the burden shifting rule under disparate impact claims.
"Standing in housing discrimination cases is an expansive concept and it is not atypical for one case to include multiple plaintiffs and defendants. Standing is available to any individual or group that can show "injury in fact" from any discriminatory housing practice. 19 Whereas employment discrimination standing is limited to applicants and employees (also, in limited circumstances, independent contractors), standing for housing discrimination claims is not similarly limited to individuals applying for housing or already living in housing, but also may include groups such as fair housing organizations or testers. " 2
"Prohibited acts of housing discrimination include: a refusal to sell, rent, or negotiate for housing; the provision of inferior terms, conditions, or privileges of housing; discrimination in lending; harassment; and refusal to provide reasonable accom- modation for a person with a disability.46 Certain types of com- munications about housing are also illegal: falsely representing that housing is unavailable; inquiring about a person’s race or sexual orientation; or making any statement that indicates a preference, limitation, or discrimination for or against a pro- tected group." -2
"Housing discrimination can be proven by intent or by adverse impact. For a case of intentional discrimination, the FEHA specifies that a violation "may be established by direct or circumstantial evidence."48 In cases where direct evidence of discriminatory intent is lacking, courts apply the burden- shifting analysis borrowed from McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792 (1973)."-2 [emphasis added]
Making and Meeting the Prima Facie Housing Case-1
Anatomy of Fair Housing Case- State Bar thru DFEH- 2
Please reverse your June 23 decision on the above grounds.
All rights reserved.
[Tenant name redacted]
1522 Hi Point St
Los Angeles CA 90035
c: HUD
City Council Herb Wesson
![]() Why can't Black tenants get protection under Mayor Eric Garcetti's Housing Community Investment Department?
Update June 30 2015
Jerry Brown's DFEH Says Blacks Not Entitled to Civil Rights Protection- Case 37638-156612- Supplement to the Complaint
Re: Hi Point Apts LLC
You state in your June 23 2015 letter in support of refusing to provide protection to me as a Black, "rejected Intake" complaint:
"Please provide evidence that the harm you've experienced was because of a protected class such as race color or national origin age disability sexual orientation religion or any other protected basis and under the Fair Employment and Housing Act and/or related laws."
Without waiving the fact I have already done that, I quote from the Ch 3 HUD Jurisdiction document, 8024.1:
"To establish standing the complainant need only claim to
have suffered an injury as a result of the alleged
discriminator's actions. It is not required that the
complainant prove his or her injury as part of a showing
of his or her right to file a complaint under the Act." [Emphasis added.]
"Even in cases where the complainant should have been
rejected for non-discriminatory reasons, the
complainant's perception that the denial was because of
his or her race, color, religion, national origin, sex,
familial status, or handicap is sufficient injury to
establish standing."
"Example: An Hispanic couple inquires about
an apartment for rent. The building manager
tells them that no "Latinos" will be accepted
as tenants. In this case, showing that there
were no available apartments in the subject
building on the day in question would not
invalidate the complainants' claim of injury
and would not affect the complainants'
standing to file a complaint because the
effect of the discriminatory statement
amounts to an injury under the Act."
"To establish standing a complainant may claim a tangible
or an intangible injury. Moving expenses, or the cost
of a home inspection or credit report, are examples of
tangible damages a complainant may incur."
My documents to DFEH comply with the standard required under HUD above: I claim that I have suffered an injury (i.e. tangible loss of housing parking stall valued at $200 per month, loss of intercom service, loss of monies due to illegal rent increase, etc.), I perceived that the denials of parking, rent reduction, and intercom, are because of my race, Black, and age over 45, and because I complained of unlawful discrimination. I have also quoted the Fair Employment Act and Unruh and 42 USC 1983 and Equal Protection Clause.
I request that your June 23 decision be reversed and that you proceed with this standing Complaint without further prejudicial delay.
All rights reserved.
[Redacted tenant name and address
1522 Hi Point Street 90035]
c: HUD
City council President Herb Wesson
Raymond Chan's Armida Olguin-Flores Ham-Kushite Black Plantation Owner Hi Point Apts LLC, i.e. Walter Barratt, etc. Justice Department and HUD tandem parking 1522 Hi Point Street 90035 Mike Feuer Hi Point Apts LLC Marilyn and Tyler noah.frigault@dfeh.ca.gov Ham-Jew-Dna Kushite/Black DFEH burden-shifting Prima Facie Housing Case Herb Wesson HUD contact.center@dfeh.ca.gov (contact.center@dfeh.ca.gov); Debbie L. Harmon (debbie.l.harmon@hud.gov); Charles Floyd (thefirstjew@yahoo.com); Ambassador Charles Linder Floyd (thekushite@gmail.com); Justice Department (askdoj@usdoj.gov); Hi LLC (walter.barratt@gmail.com); Cliff Renfrew (cliffrenfrew@gmail.com); councilmember.wesson@lacity.org (councilmember.wesson@lacity.org); Marilyn London (marilynlondonml@gmail.com); Ali Maintenance (amozannar@gmail.com) hcidla.rso.central@lacity.org hcidla.rso@lacity.org
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